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Notification of termination - associations

When a registered association is dissolved, file a notification with the Register of Associations at the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). Read further instructions at for dissolution of an association with the Register of Associations.Open link in a new tab

If the association has been recorded in the PRH Trade Register for running a business, file a notification of termination also with the Trade Register.

If the association has been recorded in the registers of the Finnish Tax Administration, you must also inform the Tax Administration about the termination of the association’s activities by using appendix form 6214 on paper. Enclose a report on the transfer of ownerships (if any), such as real estate company shares or housing company shares, so that the customer relationship can be terminated and any necessary tax measures can be taken.

Filing a notification of termination to the registers of the PRH and the Tax Administration is free of charge.

Submit the notification on paper in Finnish or in Swedish

Use form Y4a and appendix form 20A to inform the PRH Register of Associations about the dissolution of the association.

    If the association has been entered into the PRH Trade Register, use form Y4a and appendix form 19A to inform the Trade Register about the termination.

      If the association has been entered into the Tax Administration’s registers, you must also inform the Tax Administration about the termination. You can inform the Tax Administration at the same time as when you file the notification of termination with the PRH Register of Associations. Fill in appendix form 6214 of the Tax Administration and enclose it with your notification.

        Please scroll down for the forms and instructions. The forms and instructions are only available in Finnish and in Swedish.

          First, save the form you need to your computer to be able to fill it in. Fill in the form and any enclosed documents – either in Finnish or in Swedish – on your computer, then print them at A4 size, and send them to the address given on the form.